About Write-Way

WRITE-WAY PRISON MINISTRIES INC. (WPM) is a non-profit corporation established to provide Bible correspondence courses free to prisoners in Texas and Louisiana. In 1982 Mr. Ralph Nichols was appointed Penal Coordinator for the state of Texas by Emmaus Bible Correspondence School in order to provide this service to prisoners.

When Write-Way began in 1982, about fifty inmates were served in less than ten institutions. During 2018 more than 7,000 active students were served in more than 316 institutions.

Write-Way exists to disseminate and teach the Word of God in the form of correspondence courses without cost to the incarcerated in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Iowa. The Write-Way home office is located in Garland, Texas. 

Thirty-one branches in Texas assist the home office. Branch managers serve as a liaison to the home office and lead church members in grading and commenting exams to counsel the students. The counseling aspect contributes immensely toward rehabilitating inmates and making them disciples of Christ.

Prisoners enroll by filling out and returning an Enrollment Card obtained from an active student, a chaplain, or a visiting minister, or by mailing a written request directly to Write-Way.

The Inmate’s progress through this Bible self-study program depends upon commitment and applied diligence in order to complete the courses. Inmates may opt to continue these courses in the free world at no cost.

FUNDS come in as the Lord leads in the hearts of individuals, through groups such as churches, local charities and organizational grants.

Write-Way Prison Ministries, Inc. is a non- profit organization exempt under Code 501(c)(3). ID No. 75-1848459.

The following video from Ralph M. Nichols founder of Write-Way in 1982 provides a good background of the history, purpose and vision of the ministry.